Sunday, September 22, 2013


How I became interested in the Entertainment Business field

“What we think we become”, according to Buddha. This is a quote that I do not forget to achieve my dream in life. I have been interested in the field of entertainment business since I was a child, so it has become necessary or me to pursue my career. There are many aspects in my life that have pushed me toward my future career including musician friends, travel to entertainment venues and experience working in the field.

One of the factors that pushed me toward to my future career is that musician friends have been around since I was a child. In elementary schools I met and had classes with a musician professor and students. Furthermore, my first best friend in 6th grade plays the guitar and bass and we formed a small band dedicated to events at school. Afterwards, in high school I had the opportunity to form part of a band for Christmas holidays playing an instrument called the “furruco”. Most of the time that I spent at that moment was with musicians also. Having musician friends led me to have an interest in their business.
I met so many people in the area that I became interested in the business of music. I found interest in the idea of licensing for any musician or band and understanding the terms and procedures to validate songs regarding copyright. Moreover, I gained interest in promoting for musicians and bands and marketing their products. In my opinion, entertainment business is a field that is consistent with my personality because I feel comfortable in this business area.   


Another reason that persuaded me to pursue the entertainment field is my experience traveling to entertainment venues. I have been visiting theme parks since I was a child, including theme parks inside and out of my country, and I like all theme parks. I visited parks such as Disney, Hollywood Studios, Los Aleros in Venezuela and others. I also visited many national parks such as Los Andes Cordillera, the Rocky Mountains, the Ruins of Macchupichu and others, allowing me to have an idea of how entertainment could be performed in different ways. As an example, there is a niche for tour guides for natural attractions whereas theme parks do not have this need.  

             These experiences allowed me to identify more branches of entertainment business that I find very interesting. Event planning is one of the areas of my interest such as, parades, theme parks and other events like fundraisers. In fact, visiting theme parks allowed me to have a better vision of how entertainment could be put in place, because I observed business in action in a variety of settingsI enjoyed experience working in the field of entertainment and that influenced my interest. I got the opportunity to work as an usher for The Erwin Center at the University of Texas where they presented many artists including Metallica, Juan Gabriel, George Lopez and the Fray. Additionally, I worked in a Christmas bazaars selling pets supplies; therefore, that gave me an idea of how bazaars are organized allowing me to think outside the box.
Consequently, my experiences working help me to understand the structure of entertainment in general. Working on concert events was an eye opening experience that attracted me to think about how budgeting works in this field. Additionally, being part of bazaars indicated to me how business could be performed in order to get direct profit. Moreover, the experience at Full Sail University has exposed me to the technology applied to an area such as video games. The entertainment business has interested me in detail because it brings a wide variety of future possibilities and professional success. Also, the academic work at Full Sail has taught me the extent of the field of entertainment management. The management of the planning, coordination, the preparation of sales and marketing strategies, detailed knowledge on aspects of copyrights and product licensing, are elements that give the graduates from Full Sail the potential to become successful executives’ managers in the entertainment industry.

I have shown my passion for the entertainment business career during my entire life for many reasons such as being around musicians, travel to entertainment venue, my experience working on the field and lastly becoming a member of Full Sail Community. I hope to enjoy my future journey.          

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